Monday, February 17, 2014

Periodization of history

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
History of the accepted periodization. This - one of the easiest things that causes disagreement among historians. In this discussion it becomes clear that the history of the "never-ending controversy." Periodization of the history of the first signs of antiquity there, it was history's first naive attempts to divide. In antiquity, the four talked about the era. Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, after the ancient world believed the world was ending.

Periodization four largest Monarchy [ Edit ]

Pre - HistoryStone AgePaleolithic
Proto - HistoryEnoliti
Bronze Age
Iron Age
Old WorldAncient East
Late antika
Middle AgesThe early Middle Ages
In the late Middle Ages
At the top of the Middle Ages
Lower Middle Ages
XV century
Modern Era
XVI century
XVII century
XVIII century
New Era
XIX century
XX Century
XXI Century
Christ from Christmas II საუკუნეში ცნობილმა ბერძენმა მეცნიერმა კლავდიუს Ptolemaeous laid the foundation for the world's history of division (periodization) four great monarchy. According to this model, four of the world's development განვლო: ასურეთ -ბაბილონის , მიდია - სპარსეთის , ბერძულ - მაკედონური და რომის . Monarchy was based on the division of the big four in the Bible . The first three Monarchy match " Old Testament ", the fourth match of the Roman Empire," New Testament . "
V century world history periodization monakiad four great new ideas put forward, hiponis Bishop Augustine of Hippo . Particularly the fact that he okhi monarchy, according to a periodization მოარგო ქრისტიანულ-თეოლოგიურ მსოფლმხედველობას, Which largely determine its viability throughout the medieval period. Therefore, this periodization dominant place in the Middle Ages.
Proponents of this scheme did not prevent the fact that the V century the Western Roman Empire fell. They mshveneieri, he claimed he saw a way out of the Roman Empire has not gone away, and continues to exist. Thus were laid the foundations of the Roman Empire, the idea of broadcast, which was extremely popular throughout the Middle Ages. western Europe in the Roman legacy claims - does Franks , and then sazghvto Roman Empire of the German nation and religious authority - the Pope . In the Middle Ages there was a conflict between the two powers in the most acute. emperor believed that he was the successor of the Roman Empire and the contemporary period to deny the opponent's claim. Rather Pope claimed that he was the true heir to the Roman Empire and the Emperor nothing to do with this memkvidreeoba.
In the Middle Ages the Christian world, a world history into four major divisions Monarchy was received and accepted. This periodization out against heresy and the Christian - theological revolt against the system meant. Those who oppose this dogma was declared heretic.
XV - XVI centuries to revive the era of world history in four opponents have a serious division Monarchy. They disdain the early successors of the Roman culture and the true legacy of the accused declared that those who did the Ancient Roman andცივვილიზაციის აღორძინებისკენ მიილტვოდნენ.

The legacy of the Roman Empire, Eastern Europe [ Edit ]

Eastern Roman Empire(Byzantine Empire) last dynasty paleologebis coat of arms.
Coat of Arms of the Russian Empire.
Claim to the legacy of the Roman Empire, Eastern Europe, which had, at first it was Byzantium . 330 CE, the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great in the eastern capital of the Roman Empire - Byzantium tolerated, so the new city of Constantinople . After the Western Roman Empire fell in 476 years. Byzantium considered the successor to the Roman Empire. X century Byzantium was shidaashilobam.
Georgia made the basis of this background to the fall of Byzantium or the weakening of the role of the leader of Eastern Orthodox Christians bear. These periods were created in the Hymnographer John Zosime "Praise and Glorification of the Georgian enisai", which carried the idea that the second coming of the judgment in the Georgian language would be. Georgian language should become the international language of the eastern საქრისტიანოში ბერძნულ -ლათინურს ჩანაცვლებოდა. A similar idea to the development of the XII century Georgian poet John Shavteli .
Wikipedia"The new account for ongoing, you said a senior - ikmneso of all, we long eldasa itself, it gelatsa, where the sacred burial objects"
1453 in tukebis taking of Constantinople by the fall of Byzantium. In the current situation of the Byzantine heritage arsheedzlo claims. In such sitvatsia the fore Russia . Orthodox Russia became the world's most powerful state. Russia has a claim to the legacy of the Roman Empire. It is the opinion of the XVI century monk of the early Russian figures pilopem so chamoatqaliba
Wikipedia"Two Rome fell. Third Rome - Moscow stands, there will be no fourth Rome. "

Samtsevrovani division [ Edit ]

XV century Roman miniature, depicting the fall of the Roman Empire. Antinuri fixed period and the beginning of the Middle Ages.
Constantinople 's fall in 1453. Fixed and the beginning of a new history of the Middle Ages.
Renaissance periodization could not tolerate the Christian worldview - theological model. Aghmodzinebis era thinkers opposed the division of the world history of the monarchy and the establishment of a new periodization of history - samtsevrovan division. They are divided into three parts in world history. Old , Middle and New story .
The term was first mentioned in the history of this period. It's not the first time can be found in any scientific work, but also very strange situation. 1469 in Cardinal nokalaus kuzanelis paraklis his speech at Bishop Giovanni andreamnoted that
Wikipedia"He knew the deceased well as ancient history and medieval history and a new time"
This phrase after Giovanni Andrea name forever established history .
World history periodization struggle between old and new scheme for the fight. News slowly - slowly and gradually gaining strength in the history of the gradual decline in four major monariad into dogma. The first scientist who, while writing samtsevrovani World istorisa division was himself a German researcher Christopher tselariusi . Christopher is an old story ends the reign of Emperor Constantine 's 313 in the legalization of Christianity. Middle Ages in history to perform the 1453 year. In this phase, then we start a new story. Samtsevrovani divisions appeared to be substantially universal and roomy than its predecessor. This division is much more conducive to freedom of thought than Christian - Monopoly theological worldview whereby freedom of opinion izghdeboda.

Divergence [ Edit ]

Historians divide the history of the world samtsevrovani umarvlesobam shared. But there is much controversy about the dates, the dates of the transitional period.
Historians are divided in opinion on the ancient and medieval setting abutment. Some thought that the ancient history of the Middle saukneebi mtvrdeboda began legalization of Christianity in 313. Proponents of this date still prefer the religious factor attached, others are more inclined towards political history, however, there is full agreement on any of them. Some ancient history ამთავრებენ ალარიხის მიერ რომის აღებით 410 წელს. Others, and they constitute a majority of the old itsoriis end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of taking the Roman Empire fall in 476 years. The third is named on the eve of the Arab invasions in the ancient history and medieval VIII century .
Historians in Medieval and Early Modern Europe on the eve of the XV century to the end of the XVI century beginnings. They are in the era between the two of the three watershed date in the company. In 1453, tukebis მიერ კონსტანტინოპოლისაღებას, 1492 წელს დიდ Geographical აღმოჩენებს და 1517 წელს რეფორაციის დასაწყისი გერმანიაში . XV century in the second half of the transition period, when the process was completed in the central states.
Distinguish between new and recent history of problems associated with the determination. This boundary movement. It's a day of contemporary history, tomorrow is a new story. Therefore postponed the margin between the two era. Some recent history begins in 1871 onwards. Indeed, significant changes are occurring in the world. First of all, it comes from the German and Italian unification. In the late sixties in England was carried out reforms, which have been reinforced by Englishdemocracy . In 1871, after the French government finally established a Republican form . Significant changes took place in Russia . , 1861 On February 19, abolished serfdom .
Some scientists receive new posts by recent history, starting in the beginning of the century in 1901 year. Many people think that it was important nishantsveti First World War . Part of the historians and tends to be further away from this line in the beginning of 1945, he said.

Periodization of different models [ Edit ]

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