Full Name: Norma Jean mortensoni. Baptized Norma Jean Baker became.
Date of Birth: January 1, 1926 (Tuesday). Los - Angeles, California, USA.
Date of death: August 4, 1962. Los - Angeles, California, USA.
Cause of death: Excessive doses of the drug.
Height, weight: 165 cm, 52 kg.
Dust can not be endured. So look a day over 15 - has ibanda.
Underwent several plastic surgery. Surgeons corrected the nose, forehead, chin shape and remove hair grown out.
His cause of death is still unknown ...
Beverly Hills ... the beautiful, not-so-great door of the house was almost 20 minutes of calling, call.Finally, the key gachkhakunda, the door opened and someone rudely asked:
- What the hell do you want?
- Flowers brought Ms. ... for a moment ... Norma Jean Baker month. Friends birthday greetings.
The door is wide open and Courier gaognebis it nearly collapsed - the threshold of the world's most famous woman, Marilyn Monroe was divine and everyone admired. The actor has not dropped the boy's reaction ainunshi, buckets and tsarbatseulma almatserad looked at him:
- No provision does not live here. He has no friends ... and never had!
In the words of a great lady of the house miujakhuna courier door of the hotel room to get out, whiskey next sirchas tsamoavlo hand, looked at his own image in the mirror and solemn tones exclaimed:
- Happy birthday, Marilyn! I wish you happiness!
On that day, no one else will congratulate him, except for one, which he referred to the real name. I wonder who it was? Have you thought to recall pleasant memories of childhood provoke?
Ah ... those who have a psychiatric gardatsvlia mother, I brought the plates have not experienced the orphanage in order to obtain food was uretskhia'll never understand why he was shunned these memories, and each new stage of his biography why they started with a clean sheet. Now it seems to come a time to erase the line in this paper.
At 10 hours
- One, two, three, four ... enough? No! The more, the better! .. Five, six, seven ... - Marilyn bottle of pills from gadmoqra. Now only interested in one thing - whether it was right to say suicide is the last period in a person's whole life in front of gaurbenso.
She dropped away to the table where his most loyal "pink" Friends - tranquillizer pills were scattered and open another bottle of champagne. Had the habit - even ten bottles were opened, they opened a new ...
Because it is new, sparkling champagne loved ....
Because it was the only pleasure that we will never abandon him.
12 hours and 40 minutes
Today it is over ... Well, how old it? Oh, 36 - it! That's nothing. All times ahead ... What a strange birthday. Phone is silent, not bouquets. In one, a mysterious friend that they sent. However, nothing surprising - what kind of life they have such a friend.
14 hours
Monrom removed half glass of tart on the table stood and opened another bottle of champagne. Here, the President had a Birthday. Remembered how he had shone in the evening and laughed.
John F. Kennedy's inner circle thought that Marilyn was deliberately drunk Russian champagne and vodka, as the stage for his speech was delayed five or six times. Indeed it was deliberately passed the top end.
However, what with the whole room? Not only because of the amazing Jean-Louis-sewn dress shirt, 2500 Shimmering precious stone covered. The clothes were so narrow that they had to dress the naked body. No one knew Marilyn's speech was pre-installed if you get a really impromptu. However, he knows ...
How long thought about it ... the exercise of his mind. How to change the face of Johns, tsamotsitlda.Well, he sang the song beautifully. Particularly impressive was when "Mr. President" supply. Here, like this:
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Mr President
Happy birthday to you.
Mteli sense of mixing the song. We all knew it. Even John himself, to thank that went up on stage, jokingly said: "When such a tender voice, Happy birthday, there may be some politics to go."
He probably thought the same thing tsamostsdeboda Monroe them. What nonsense ... It happens only once told a news conference. That the father had a heart attack, Kennedy expressed his condolences and added, for a long time, John mimachniao to narcotics and to their family members. That's when they took the final decision ... but not like those ™ Deluxe Marilyn wanted. He talks to his brother Monroe, Robert says.
So, when I realized that John was all over, a brief affair with the romance of Robert.
Neither the younger Kennedy was a bad lover, but she did not want to become a father of Marilyn.Therefore, the next, the thirteenth had an abortion. The latter was. And did everything that was going on in her life right now, in the past, including this birthday ...
15 hours and 30 minutes
I wonder how invent him after death? Do not forget, there is no doubt, but they are saying no to his film, but his own men. So what? At least I had a love affair fronts success?
The first husband was a baseball player Joe Di wrist. ™ Deluxe Marilyn loved her husband, but not so, as the first man - actor John Carroll. That is, until he was in love with the movies, but he was married and family disruption, despite the urging of Monroe, was not going to. Then he got up and addressed the other way:
John's wife called and asked me to let him arrange your husband. That's the time when the two argued a heated rival, the door and Marilyn Carroll shemoglija kintsiskvrit shot out.
Di wrist appeared in his life. Crazy in love with a man, but he was jealous of ...
He wanted a wife and family to take care of an actress refused. Marilyn tried to convince him, that's why I started shooting at him. On that day, in that famous scene from the subway vent that blows air from the Monroe dress uprialebs ...
Hundreds of people saw the actor's bare feet. What should have been a sportsman it is a great insult?Got up and filed a divorce application ...
So ends the year the family lived.
Monroe was less worried about divorce. Soon after his life, "the main man" has become America's next president John F. Kennedy. They became the closest friends. He is withholding the woman anything, but would not and will not ever divorce with Jacqueline.
Monroe finally get married ... marriage is always a mistake to say John. Nor the son gaachenina ™ Deluxe Marilyn ...
16 hours and 55 minutes
When they do not get him anything, he got up and playwright Arthur Miller mistkhovda. It was during John F. Kennedy's daughter gave birth. Marilyn dapatsurda, wants to madness, she will daorsulebuliqo, effectively fed to a son, who is married to Kennedy's daughter sheirtavda daunatesavdeboda former lover once and for all ... It's no longer hopeful that the first lady would be.Finally, to allow this dream.
Nuisance still remembers her wedding day. One journalist, who is a fast and isolation mokroda brakes the car, with its shemagreba failed, fell from the window and ... daenartskha pavement ... The girl drank the spirit of Marilyn's hands. Stains of blood spots on the bride's dress ...
Neither Miller lucky. When Arthur Upon returning, got hold of the magazine. The cover photo was taken at his wife, who is an actor Yves Montana lips kissing ...
Traditional marriages are ending another actress ended - his play turned to Arthur, her husband Yves Montand, Simone Signore made peace, and Marilyn Monroe remained alone.
Now 36 years old and alone. Robert, did not try to build a serious relationship? No, not worth it. Better, this name forget. ™ Deluxe Marilyn has seen, how he knows the troubles Remember John. Once the restaurant daakhurvina just because its owner forgot to eat cake for John ...
Such a vengeful president. However, Monroe has always identified with his father in the liver. He said what they ordered. Paternal warmth had never experienced. Do not even seen her eyes.
Even when acting career started, wanted to meet him, his father was secretary of the mouth shemoutvala, why not, this woman is my lawyer daukavshirdeso. Then he became a superstar and disabled father ... when he wanted to meet him back at his words of gratitude - "Better let it communicate with my lawyer ..."
17 hours and 28 minutes
The last time John himself well in hand, as if he did not know. Actress Marilyn Monroe was no longer there. Maybe true? The film shoot was denied gizhs nothing to do with cinema. These words double blow.
He grew up in the orphanage in the side of the psychiatric hospital. The building had a common ground between the two. As soon as a patient shemoabijebda off, all the windows of the cheering was heard: "Get out of here, this place is not crazy!" Now, the same words in his address said ... I have not heard an awful phrase life.
Marilyn Monroe 600 books have been written ... a little ...
Full Name: Norma Jean mortensoni. Baptized Norma Jean Baker became.
Date of Birth: January 1, 1926 (Tuesday). Los - Angeles, California, USA.
Date of death: August 4, 1962. Los - Angeles, California, USA.
Cause of death: Excessive doses of the drug.
Height, weight: 165 cm, 52 kg.
Dust can not be endured. So look a day over 15 - has ibanda.
Underwent several plastic surgery. Surgeons corrected the nose, forehead, chin shape and remove hair grown out.
His cause of death is still unknown ...
Beverly Hills ... the beautiful, not-so-great door of the house was almost 20 minutes of calling, call.Finally, the key gachkhakunda, the door opened and someone rudely asked:
- What the hell do you want?
- Flowers brought Ms. ... for a moment ... Norma Jean Baker month. Friends birthday greetings.
The door is wide open and Courier gaognebis it nearly collapsed - the threshold of the world's most famous woman, Marilyn Monroe was divine and everyone admired. The actor has not dropped the boy's reaction ainunshi, buckets and tsarbatseulma almatserad looked at him:
- No provision does not live here. He has no friends ... and never had!
In the words of a great lady of the house miujakhuna courier door of the hotel room to get out, whiskey next sirchas tsamoavlo hand, looked at his own image in the mirror and solemn tones exclaimed:
- Happy birthday, Marilyn! I wish you happiness!
On that day, no one else will congratulate him, except for one, which he referred to the real name. I wonder who it was? Have you thought to recall pleasant memories of childhood provoke?
Ah ... those who have a psychiatric gardatsvlia mother, I brought the plates have not experienced the orphanage in order to obtain food was uretskhia'll never understand why he was shunned these memories, and each new stage of his biography why they started with a clean sheet. Now it seems to come a time to erase the line in this paper.
At 10 hours
- One, two, three, four ... enough? No! The more, the better! .. Five, six, seven ... - Marilyn bottle of pills from gadmoqra. Now only interested in one thing - whether it was right to say suicide is the last period in a person's whole life in front of gaurbenso.
She dropped away to the table where his most loyal "pink" Friends - tranquillizer pills were scattered and open another bottle of champagne. Had the habit - even ten bottles were opened, they opened a new ...
Because it is new, sparkling champagne loved ....
Because it was the only pleasure that we will never abandon him.
12 hours and 40 minutes
Today it is over ... Well, how old it? Oh, 36 - it! That's nothing. All times ahead ... What a strange birthday. Phone is silent, not bouquets. In one, a mysterious friend that they sent. However, nothing surprising - what kind of life they have such a friend.
14 hours
Monrom removed half glass of tart on the table stood and opened another bottle of champagne. Here, the President had a Birthday. Remembered how he had shone in the evening and laughed.
John F. Kennedy's inner circle thought that Marilyn was deliberately drunk Russian champagne and vodka, as the stage for his speech was delayed five or six times. Indeed it was deliberately passed the top end.
However, what with the whole room? Not only because of the amazing Jean-Louis-sewn dress shirt, 2500 Shimmering precious stone covered. The clothes were so narrow that they had to dress the naked body. No one knew Marilyn's speech was pre-installed if you get a really impromptu. However, he knows ...
How long thought about it ... the exercise of his mind. How to change the face of Johns, tsamotsitlda.Well, he sang the song beautifully. Particularly impressive was when "Mr. President" supply. Here, like this:
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Mr President
Happy birthday to you.
Mteli sense of mixing the song. We all knew it. Even John himself, to thank that went up on stage, jokingly said: "When such a tender voice, Happy birthday, there may be some politics to go."
He probably thought the same thing tsamostsdeboda Monroe them. What nonsense ... It happens only once told a news conference. That the father had a heart attack, Kennedy expressed his condolences and added, for a long time, John mimachniao to narcotics and to their family members. That's when they took the final decision ... but not like those ™ Deluxe Marilyn wanted. He talks to his brother Monroe, Robert says.
So, when I realized that John was all over, a brief affair with the romance of Robert.
Neither the younger Kennedy was a bad lover, but she did not want to become a father of Marilyn.Therefore, the next, the thirteenth had an abortion. The latter was. And did everything that was going on in her life right now, in the past, including this birthday ...
15 hours and 30 minutes
I wonder how invent him after death? Do not forget, there is no doubt, but they are saying no to his film, but his own men. So what? At least I had a love affair fronts success?
The first husband was a baseball player Joe Di wrist. ™ Deluxe Marilyn loved her husband, but not so, as the first man - actor John Carroll. That is, until he was in love with the movies, but he was married and family disruption, despite the urging of Monroe, was not going to. Then he got up and addressed the other way:
John's wife called and asked me to let him arrange your husband. That's the time when the two argued a heated rival, the door and Marilyn Carroll shemoglija kintsiskvrit shot out.
Di wrist appeared in his life. Crazy in love with a man, but he was jealous of ...
He wanted a wife and family to take care of an actress refused. Marilyn tried to convince him, that's why I started shooting at him. On that day, in that famous scene from the subway vent that blows air from the Monroe dress uprialebs ...
Hundreds of people saw the actor's bare feet. What should have been a sportsman it is a great insult?Got up and filed a divorce application ...
So ends the year the family lived.
Monroe was less worried about divorce. Soon after his life, "the main man" has become America's next president John F. Kennedy. They became the closest friends. He is withholding the woman anything, but would not and will not ever divorce with Jacqueline.
Monroe finally get married ... marriage is always a mistake to say John. Nor the son gaachenina ™ Deluxe Marilyn ...
16 hours and 55 minutes
When they do not get him anything, he got up and playwright Arthur Miller mistkhovda. It was during John F. Kennedy's daughter gave birth. Marilyn dapatsurda, wants to madness, she will daorsulebuliqo, effectively fed to a son, who is married to Kennedy's daughter sheirtavda daunatesavdeboda former lover once and for all ... It's no longer hopeful that the first lady would be.Finally, to allow this dream.
Nuisance still remembers her wedding day. One journalist, who is a fast and isolation mokroda brakes the car, with its shemagreba failed, fell from the window and ... daenartskha pavement ... The girl drank the spirit of Marilyn's hands. Stains of blood spots on the bride's dress ...
Neither Miller lucky. When Arthur Upon returning, got hold of the magazine. The cover photo was taken at his wife, who is an actor Yves Montana lips kissing ...
Traditional marriages are ending another actress ended - his play turned to Arthur, her husband Yves Montand, Simone Signore made peace, and Marilyn Monroe remained alone.
Now 36 years old and alone. Robert, did not try to build a serious relationship? No, not worth it. Better, this name forget. ™ Deluxe Marilyn has seen, how he knows the troubles Remember John. Once the restaurant daakhurvina just because its owner forgot to eat cake for John ...
Such a vengeful president. However, Monroe has always identified with his father in the liver. He said what they ordered. Paternal warmth had never experienced. Do not even seen her eyes.
Even when acting career started, wanted to meet him, his father was secretary of the mouth shemoutvala, why not, this woman is my lawyer daukavshirdeso. Then he became a superstar and disabled father ... when he wanted to meet him back at his words of gratitude - "Better let it communicate with my lawyer ..."
17 hours and 28 minutes
The last time John himself well in hand, as if he did not know. Actress Marilyn Monroe was no longer there. Maybe true? The film shoot was denied gizhs nothing to do with cinema. These words double blow.
He grew up in the orphanage in the side of the psychiatric hospital. The building had a common ground between the two. As soon as a patient shemoabijebda off, all the windows of the cheering was heard: "Get out of here, this place is not crazy!" Now, the same words in his address said ... I have not heard an awful phrase life.
Maybe a madman? Well, it is better to think about tomorrow, tomorrow to answer this question. But today ... today is the day of his birth. Should be noted. How many guests are invited? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven ...
Two months later, the answer to the last question monrom Marilyn - August 4. Pink "friends" did not give up. Morgues, where Monroe's body is laid, which is located near the psychiatric hospital ...
Marilyn Monroe 600 books have been written on ...
There are few ... Marilyn Monroe 600 books have been written ... a little ...
Full Name: Norma Jean mortensoni. Baptized Norma Jean Baker became.
Date of Birth: January 1, 1926 (Tuesday). Los - Angeles, California, USA.
Date of death: August 4, 1962. Los - Angeles, California, USA.
Cause of death: Excessive doses of the drug.
Height, weight: 165 cm, 52 kg.
Dust can not be endured. So look a day over 15 - has ibanda.
Underwent several plastic surgery. Surgeons corrected the nose, forehead, chin shape and remove hair grown out.
His cause of death is still unknown ...
Beverly Hills ... the beautiful, not-so-great door of the house was almost 20 minutes of calling, call.Finally, the key gachkhakunda, the door opened and someone rudely asked:
- What the hell do you want?
- Flowers brought Ms. ... for a moment ... Norma Jean Baker month. Friends birthday greetings.
The door is wide open and Courier gaognebis it nearly collapsed - the threshold of the world's most famous woman, Marilyn Monroe was divine and everyone admired. The actor has not dropped the boy's reaction ainunshi, buckets and tsarbatseulma almatserad looked at him:
- No provision does not live here. He has no friends ... and never had!
In the words of a great lady of the house miujakhuna courier door of the hotel room to get out, whiskey next sirchas tsamoavlo hand, looked at his own image in the mirror and solemn tones exclaimed:
- Happy birthday, Marilyn! I wish you happiness!
On that day, no one else will congratulate him, except for one, which he referred to the real name. I wonder who it was? Have you thought to recall pleasant memories of childhood provoke?
Ah ... those who have a psychiatric gardatsvlia mother, I brought the plates have not experienced the orphanage in order to obtain food was uretskhia'll never understand why he was shunned these memories, and each new stage of his biography why they started with a clean sheet. Now it seems to come a time to erase the line in this paper.
At 10 hours
- One, two, three, four ... enough? No! The more, the better! .. Five, six, seven ... - Marilyn bottle of pills from gadmoqra. Now only interested in one thing - whether it was right to say suicide is the last period in a person's whole life in front of gaurbenso.
She dropped away to the table where his most loyal "pink" Friends - tranquillizer pills were scattered and open another bottle of champagne. Had the habit - even ten bottles were opened, they opened a new ...
Because it is new, sparkling champagne loved ....
Because it was the only pleasure that we will never abandon him.
12 hours and 40 minutes
Today it is over ... Well, how old it? Oh, 36 - it! That's nothing. All times ahead ... What a strange birthday. Phone is silent, not bouquets. In one, a mysterious friend that they sent. However, nothing surprising - what kind of life they have such a friend.
14 hours
Monrom removed half glass of tart on the table stood and opened another bottle of champagne. Here, the President had a Birthday. Remembered how he had shone in the evening and laughed.
John F. Kennedy's inner circle thought that Marilyn was deliberately drunk Russian champagne and vodka, as the stage for his speech was delayed five or six times. Indeed it was deliberately passed the top end.
However, what with the whole room? Not only because of the amazing Jean-Louis-sewn dress shirt, 2500 Shimmering precious stone covered. The clothes were so narrow that they had to dress the naked body. No one knew Marilyn's speech was pre-installed if you get a really impromptu. However, he knows ...
How long thought about it ... the exercise of his mind. How to change the face of Johns, tsamotsitlda.Well, he sang the song beautifully. Particularly impressive was when "Mr. President" supply. Here, like this:
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Mr President
Happy birthday to you.
Mteli sense of mixing the song. We all knew it. Even John himself, to thank that went up on stage, jokingly said: "When such a tender voice, Happy birthday, there may be some politics to go."
He probably thought the same thing tsamostsdeboda Monroe them. What nonsense ... It happens only once told a news conference. That the father had a heart attack, Kennedy expressed his condolences and added, for a long time, John mimachniao to narcotics and to their family members. That's when they took the final decision ... but not like those ™ Deluxe Marilyn wanted. He talks to his brother Monroe, Robert says.
So, when I realized that John was all over, a brief affair with the romance of Robert.
Neither the younger Kennedy was a bad lover, but she did not want to become a father of Marilyn.Therefore, the next, the thirteenth had an abortion. The latter was. And did everything that was going on in her life right now, in the past, including this birthday ...
15 hours and 30 minutes
I wonder how invent him after death? Do not forget, there is no doubt, but they are saying no to his film, but his own men. So what? At least I had a love affair fronts success?
The first husband was a baseball player Joe Di wrist. ™ Deluxe Marilyn loved her husband, but not so, as the first man - actor John Carroll. That is, until he was in love with the movies, but he was married and family disruption, despite the urging of Monroe, was not going to. Then he got up and addressed the other way:
John's wife called and asked me to let him arrange your husband. That's the time when the two argued a heated rival, the door and Marilyn Carroll shemoglija kintsiskvrit shot out.
Di wrist appeared in his life. Crazy in love with a man, but he was jealous of ...
He wanted a wife and family to take care of an actress refused. Marilyn tried to convince him, that's why I started shooting at him. On that day, in that famous scene from the subway vent that blows air from the Monroe dress uprialebs ...
Hundreds of people saw the actor's bare feet. What should have been a sportsman it is a great insult?Got up and filed a divorce application ...
So ends the year the family lived.
Monroe was less worried about divorce. Soon after his life, "the main man" has become America's next president John F. Kennedy. They became the closest friends. He is withholding the woman anything, but would not and will not ever divorce with Jacqueline.
Monroe finally get married ... marriage is always a mistake to say John. Nor the son gaachenina ™ Deluxe Marilyn ...
16 hours and 55 minutes
When they do not get him anything, he got up and playwright Arthur Miller mistkhovda. It was during John F. Kennedy's daughter gave birth. Marilyn dapatsurda, wants to madness, she will daorsulebuliqo, effectively fed to a son, who is married to Kennedy's daughter sheirtavda daunatesavdeboda former lover once and for all ... It's no longer hopeful that the first lady would be.Finally, to allow this dream.
Nuisance still remembers her wedding day. One journalist, who is a fast and isolation mokroda brakes the car, with its shemagreba failed, fell from the window and ... daenartskha pavement ... The girl drank the spirit of Marilyn's hands. Stains of blood spots on the bride's dress ...
Neither Miller lucky. When Arthur Upon returning, got hold of the magazine. The cover photo was taken at his wife, who is an actor Yves Montana lips kissing ...
Traditional marriages are ending another actress ended - his play turned to Arthur, her husband Yves Montand, Simone Signore made peace, and Marilyn Monroe remained alone.
Now 36 years old and alone. Robert, did not try to build a serious relationship? No, not worth it. Better, this name forget. ™ Deluxe Marilyn has seen, how he knows the troubles Remember John. Once the restaurant daakhurvina just because its owner forgot to eat cake for John ...
Such a vengeful president. However, Monroe has always identified with his father in the liver. He said what they ordered. Paternal warmth had never experienced. Do not even seen her eyes.
Even when acting career started, wanted to meet him, his father was secretary of the mouth shemoutvala, why not, this woman is my lawyer daukavshirdeso. Then he became a superstar and disabled father ... when he wanted to meet him back at his words of gratitude - "Better let it communicate with my lawyer ..."
17 hours and 28 minutes
The last time John himself well in hand, as if he did not know. Actress Marilyn Monroe was no longer there. Maybe true? The film shoot was denied gizhs nothing to do with cinema. These words double blow.
He grew up in the orphanage in the side of the psychiatric hospital. The building had a common ground between the two. As soon as a patient shemoabijebda off, all the windows of the cheering was heard: "Get out of here, this place is not crazy!" Now, the same words in his address said ... I have not heard an awful phrase life.
Maybe a madman? Well, it is better to think about tomorrow, tomorrow to answer this question. But today ... today is the day of his birth. Should be noted. How many guests are invited? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven ...
Two months later, the answer to the last question monrom Marilyn - August 4. Pink "friends" did not give up. Morgues, where Monroe's body is laid, which is located near the psychiatric hospital ...
Marilyn Monroe 600 books have been written on ...
There are few ... Marilyn Monroe 600 books have been written ... a little ...
Full Name: Norma Jean mortensoni. Baptized Norma Jean Baker became.
Date of Birth: January 1, 1926 (Tuesday). Los - Angeles, California, USA.
Date of death: August 4, 1962. Los - Angeles, California, USA.
Cause of death: Excessive doses of the drug.
Height, weight: 165 cm, 52 kg.
Dust can not be endured. So look a day over 15 - has ibanda.
Underwent several plastic surgery. Surgeons corrected the nose, forehead, chin shape and remove hair grown out.
His cause of death is still unknown ...
Beverly Hills ... the beautiful, not-so-great door of the house was almost 20 minutes of calling, call.Finally, the key gachkhakunda, the door opened and someone rudely asked:
- What the hell do you want?
- Flowers brought Ms. ... for a moment ... Norma Jean Baker month. Friends birthday greetings.
The door is wide open and Courier gaognebis it nearly collapsed - the threshold of the world's most famous woman, Marilyn Monroe was divine and everyone admired. The actor has not dropped the boy's reaction ainunshi, buckets and tsarbatseulma almatserad looked at him:
- No provision does not live here. He has no friends ... and never had!
In the words of a great lady of the house miujakhuna courier door of the hotel room to get out, whiskey next sirchas tsamoavlo hand, looked at his own image in the mirror and solemn tones exclaimed:
- Happy birthday, Marilyn! I wish you happiness!
On that day, no one else will congratulate him, except for one, which he referred to the real name. I wonder who it was? Have you thought to recall pleasant memories of childhood provoke?
Ah ... those who have a psychiatric gardatsvlia mother, I brought the plates have not experienced the orphanage in order to obtain food was uretskhia'll never understand why he was shunned these memories, and each new stage of his biography why they started with a clean sheet. Now it seems to come a time to erase the line in this paper.
At 10 hours
- One, two, three, four ... enough? No! The more, the better! .. Five, six, seven ... - Marilyn bottle of pills from gadmoqra. Now only interested in one thing - whether it was right to say suicide is the last period in a person's whole life in front of gaurbenso.
She dropped away to the table where his most loyal "pink" Friends - tranquillizer pills were scattered and open another bottle of champagne. Had the habit - even ten bottles were opened, they opened a new ...
Because it is new, sparkling champagne loved ....
Because it was the only pleasure that we will never abandon him.
12 hours and 40 minutes
Today it is over ... Well, how old it? Oh, 36 - it! That's nothing. All times ahead ... What a strange birthday. Phone is silent, not bouquets. In one, a mysterious friend that they sent. However, nothing surprising - what kind of life they have such a friend.
14 hours
Monrom removed half glass of tart on the table stood and opened another bottle of champagne. Here, the President had a Birthday. Remembered how he had shone in the evening and laughed.
John F. Kennedy's inner circle thought that Marilyn was deliberately drunk Russian champagne and vodka, as the stage for his speech was delayed five or six times. Indeed it was deliberately passed the top end.
However, what with the whole room? Not only because of the amazing Jean-Louis-sewn dress shirt, 2500 Shimmering precious stone covered. The clothes were so narrow that they had to dress the naked body. No one knew Marilyn's speech was pre-installed if you get a really impromptu. However, he knows ...
How long thought about it ... the exercise of his mind. How to change the face of Johns, tsamotsitlda.Well, he sang the song beautifully. Particularly impressive was when "Mr. President" supply. Here, like this:
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Mr President
Happy birthday to you.
Mteli sense of mixing the song. We all knew it. Even John himself, to thank that went up on stage, jokingly said: "When such a tender voice, Happy birthday, there may be some politics to go."
He probably thought the same thing tsamostsdeboda Monroe them. What nonsense ... It happens only once told a news conference. That the father had a heart attack, Kennedy expressed his condolences and added, for a long time, John mimachniao to narcotics and to their family members. That's when they took the final decision ... but not like those ™ Deluxe Marilyn wanted. He talks to his brother Monroe, Robert says.
So, when I realized that John was all over, a brief affair with the romance of Robert.
Neither the younger Kennedy was a bad lover, but she did not want to become a father of Marilyn.Therefore, the next, the thirteenth had an abortion. The latter was. And did everything that was going on in her life right now, in the past, including this birthday ...
15 hours and 30 minutes
I wonder how invent him after death? Do not forget, there is no doubt, but they are saying no to his film, but his own men. So what? At least I had a love affair fronts success?
The first husband was a baseball player Joe Di wrist. ™ Deluxe Marilyn loved her husband, but not so, as the first man - actor John Carroll. That is, until he was in love with the movies, but he was married and family disruption, despite the urging of Monroe, was not going to. Then he got up and addressed the other way:
John's wife called and asked me to let him arrange your husband. That's the time when the two argued a heated rival, the door and Marilyn Carroll shemoglija kintsiskvrit shot out.
Di wrist appeared in his life. Crazy in love with a man, but he was jealous of ...
He wanted a wife and family to take care of an actress refused. Marilyn tried to convince him, that's why I started shooting at him. On that day, in that famous scene from the subway vent that blows air from the Monroe dress uprialebs ...
Hundreds of people saw the actor's bare feet. What should have been a sportsman it is a great insult?Got up and filed a divorce application ...
So ends the year the family lived.
Monroe was less worried about divorce. Soon after his life, "the main man" has become America's next president John F. Kennedy. They became the closest friends. He is withholding the woman anything, but would not and will not ever divorce with Jacqueline.
Monroe finally get married ... marriage is always a mistake to say John. Nor the son gaachenina ™ Deluxe Marilyn ...
16 hours and 55 minutes
When they do not get him anything, he got up and playwright Arthur Miller mistkhovda. It was during John F. Kennedy's daughter gave birth. Marilyn dapatsurda, wants to madness, she will daorsulebuliqo, effectively fed to a son, who is married to Kennedy's daughter sheirtavda daunatesavdeboda former lover once and for all ... It's no longer hopeful that the first lady would be.Finally, to allow this dream.
Nuisance still remembers her wedding day. One journalist, who is a fast and isolation mokroda brakes the car, with its shemagreba failed, fell from the window and ... daenartskha pavement ... The girl drank the spirit of Marilyn's hands. Stains of blood spots on the bride's dress ...
Neither Miller lucky. When Arthur Upon returning, got hold of the magazine. The cover photo was taken at his wife, who is an actor Yves Montana lips kissing ...
Traditional marriages are ending another actress ended - his play turned to Arthur, her husband Yves Montand, Simone Signore made peace, and Marilyn Monroe remained alone.
Now 36 years old and alone. Robert, did not try to build a serious relationship? No, not worth it. Better, this name forget. ™ Deluxe Marilyn has seen, how he knows the troubles Remember John. Once the restaurant daakhurvina just because its owner forgot to eat cake for John ...
Such a vengeful president. However, Monroe has always identified with his father in the liver. He said what they ordered. Paternal warmth had never experienced. Do not even seen her eyes.
Even when acting career started, wanted to meet him, his father was secretary of the mouth shemoutvala, why not, this woman is my lawyer daukavshirdeso. Then he became a superstar and disabled father ... when he wanted to meet him back at his words of gratitude - "Better let it communicate with my lawyer ..."
17 hours and 28 minutes
The last time John himself well in hand, as if he did not know. Actress Marilyn Monroe was no longer there. Maybe true? The film shoot was denied gizhs nothing to do with cinema. These words double blow.
He grew up in the orphanage in the side of the psychiatric hospital. The building had a common ground between the two. As soon as a patient shemoabijebda off, all the windows of the cheering was heard: "Get out of here, this place is not crazy!" Now, the same words in his address said ... I have not heard an awful phrase life.
Maybe a madman? Well, it is better to think about tomorrow, tomorrow to answer this question. But today ... today is the day of his birth. Should be noted. How many guests are invited? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven ...
Two months later, the answer to the last question monrom Marilyn - August 4. Pink "friends" did not give up. Morgues, where Monroe's body is laid, which is located near the psychiatric hospital ...
Marilyn Monroe 600 books have been written on ...
There are few ... Marilyn Monroe 600 books have been written ... a little ...
Full Name: Norma Jean mortensoni. Baptized Norma Jean Baker became.
Date of Birth: January 1, 1926 (Tuesday). Los - Angeles, California, USA.
Date of death: August 4, 1962. Los - Angeles, California, USA.
Cause of death: Excessive doses of the drug.
Height, weight: 165 cm, 52 kg.
Dust can not be endured. So look a day over 15 - has ibanda.
Underwent several plastic surgery. Surgeons corrected the nose, forehead, chin shape and remove hair grown out.
His cause of death is still unknown ...
Beverly Hills ... the beautiful, not-so-great door of the house was almost 20 minutes of calling, call.Finally, the key gachkhakunda, the door opened and someone rudely asked:
- What the hell do you want?
- Flowers brought Ms. ... for a moment ... Norma Jean Baker month. Friends birthday greetings.
The door is wide open and Courier gaognebis it nearly collapsed - the threshold of the world's most famous woman, Marilyn Monroe was divine and everyone admired. The actor has not dropped the boy's reaction ainunshi, buckets and tsarbatseulma almatserad looked at him:
- No provision does not live here. He has no friends ... and never had!
In the words of a great lady of the house miujakhuna courier door of the hotel room to get out, whiskey next sirchas tsamoavlo hand, looked at his own image in the mirror and solemn tones exclaimed:
- Happy birthday, Marilyn! I wish you happiness!
On that day, no one else will congratulate him, except for one, which he referred to the real name. I wonder who it was? Have you thought to recall pleasant memories of childhood provoke?
Ah ... those who have a psychiatric gardatsvlia mother, I brought the plates have not experienced the orphanage in order to obtain food was uretskhia'll never understand why he was shunned these memories, and each new stage of his biography why they started with a clean sheet. Now it seems to come a time to erase the line in this paper.
At 10 hours
- One, two, three, four ... enough? No! The more, the better! .. Five, six, seven ... - Marilyn bottle of pills from gadmoqra. Now only interested in one thing - whether it was right to say suicide is the last period in a person's whole life in front of gaurbenso.
She dropped away to the table where his most loyal "pink" Friends - tranquillizer pills were scattered and open another bottle of champagne. Had the habit - even ten bottles were opened, they opened a new ...
Because it is new, sparkling champagne loved ....
Because it was the only pleasure that we will never abandon him.
12 hours and 40 minutes
Today it is over ... Well, how old it? Oh, 36 - it! That's nothing. All times ahead ... What a strange birthday. Phone is silent, not bouquets. In one, a mysterious friend that they sent. However, nothing surprising - what kind of life they have such a friend.
14 hours
Monrom removed half glass of tart on the table stood and opened another bottle of champagne. Here, the President had a Birthday. Remembered how he had shone in the evening and laughed.
John F. Kennedy's inner circle thought that Marilyn was deliberately drunk Russian champagne and vodka, as the stage for his speech was delayed five or six times. Indeed it was deliberately passed the top end.
However, what with the whole room? Not only because of the amazing Jean-Louis-sewn dress shirt, 2500 Shimmering precious stone covered. The clothes were so narrow that they had to dress the naked body. No one knew Marilyn's speech was pre-installed if you get a really impromptu. However, he knows ...
How long thought about it ... the exercise of his mind. How to change the face of Johns, tsamotsitlda.Well, he sang the song beautifully. Particularly impressive was when "Mr. President" supply. Here, like this:
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Mr President
Happy birthday to you.
Mteli sense of mixing the song. We all knew it. Even John himself, to thank that went up on stage, jokingly said: "When such a tender voice, Happy birthday, there may be some politics to go."
He probably thought the same thing tsamostsdeboda Monroe them. What nonsense ... It happens only once told a news conference. That the father had a heart attack, Kennedy expressed his condolences and added, for a long time, John mimachniao to narcotics and to their family members. That's when they took the final decision ... but not like those ™ Deluxe Marilyn wanted. He talks to his brother Monroe, Robert says.
So, when I realized that John was all over, a brief affair with the romance of Robert.
Neither the younger Kennedy was a bad lover, but she did not want to become a father of Marilyn.Therefore, the next, the thirteenth had an abortion. The latter was. And did everything that was going on in her life right now, in the past, including this birthday ...
15 hours and 30 minutes
I wonder how invent him after death? Do not forget, there is no doubt, but they are saying no to his film, but his own men. So what? At least I had a love affair fronts success?
The first husband was a baseball player Joe Di wrist. ™ Deluxe Marilyn loved her husband, but not so, as the first man - actor John Carroll. That is, until he was in love with the movies, but he was married and family disruption, despite the urging of Monroe, was not going to. Then he got up and addressed the other way:
John's wife called and asked me to let him arrange your husband. That's the time when the two argued a heated rival, the door and Marilyn Carroll shemoglija kintsiskvrit shot out.
Di wrist appeared in his life. Crazy in love with a man, but he was jealous of ...
He wanted a wife and family to take care of an actress refused. Marilyn tried to convince him, that's why I started shooting at him. On that day, in that famous scene from the subway vent that blows air from the Monroe dress uprialebs ...
Hundreds of people saw the actor's bare feet. What should have been a sportsman it is a great insult?Got up and filed a divorce application ...
So ends the year the family lived.
Monroe was less worried about divorce. Soon after his life, "the main man" has become America's next president John F. Kennedy. They became the closest friends. He is withholding the woman anything, but would not and will not ever divorce with Jacqueline.
Monroe finally get married ... marriage is always a mistake to say John. Nor the son gaachenina ™ Deluxe Marilyn ...
16 hours and 55 minutes
When they do not get him anything, he got up and playwright Arthur Miller mistkhovda. It was during John F. Kennedy's daughter gave birth. Marilyn dapatsurda, wants to madness, she will daorsulebuliqo, effectively fed to a son, who is married to Kennedy's daughter sheirtavda daunatesavdeboda former lover once and for all ... It's no longer hopeful that the first lady would be.Finally, to allow this dream.
Nuisance still remembers her wedding day. One journalist, who is a fast and isolation mokroda brakes the car, with its shemagreba failed, fell from the window and ... daenartskha pavement ... The girl drank the spirit of Marilyn's hands. Stains of blood spots on the bride's dress ...
Neither Miller lucky. When Arthur Upon returning, got hold of the magazine. The cover photo was taken at his wife, who is an actor Yves Montana lips kissing ...
Traditional marriages are ending another actress ended - his play turned to Arthur, her husband Yves Montand, Simone Signore made peace, and Marilyn Monroe remained alone.
Now 36 years old and alone. Robert, did not try to build a serious relationship? No, not worth it. Better, this name forget. ™ Deluxe Marilyn has seen, how he knows the troubles Remember John. Once the restaurant daakhurvina just because its owner forgot to eat cake for John ...
Such a vengeful president. However, Monroe has always identified with his father in the liver. He said what they ordered. Paternal warmth had never experienced. Do not even seen her eyes.
Even when acting career started, wanted to meet him, his father was secretary of the mouth shemoutvala, why not, this woman is my lawyer daukavshirdeso. Then he became a superstar and disabled father ... when he wanted to meet him back at his words of gratitude - "Better let it communicate with my lawyer ..."
17 hours and 28 minutes
The last time John himself well in hand, as if he did not know. Actress Marilyn Monroe was no longer there. Maybe true? The film shoot was denied gizhs nothing to do with cinema. These words double blow.
He grew up in the orphanage in the side of the psychiatric hospital. The building had a common ground between the two. As soon as a patient shemoabijebda off, all the windows of the cheering was heard: "Get out of here, this place is not crazy!" Now, the same words in his address said ... I have not heard an awful phrase life.
Maybe a madman? Well, it is better to think about tomorrow, tomorrow to answer this question. But today ... today is the day of his birth. Should be noted. How many guests are invited? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven ...
Two months later, the answer to the last question monrom Marilyn - August 4. Pink "friends" did not give up. Morgues, where Monroe's body is laid, which is located near the psychiatric hospital ...
Marilyn Monroe 600 books have been written on ...
There are few ...
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