Earth Solar System Sun Third planet . It is the largest Earth-type planets , and the only place in the known universe, which is populated by the living creatures . It was formed about 4.5 billion years ago, and soon after bought out its only natural satellite Moon . Intelligent creatures living on Earth - people. In 2011, the latest data from almost 7 billion people living on earth.
The origin of the earth's opinions are still the ancient Greeks , expressing their opinions although it was not scientifically justified. XVIII century made the first scientific hypothesis, according to which he emerged from the spacecraft airebida and dust. Fused, glowing and quickly rotating mass of the central gravitational force of a huge area of concern. Over time, the field -cooled and its surface is covered with a solid crust.
XX century, scientists have expressed a lot of opinions regarding the origin of the Earth, but nonetheless still no one knows exactly earth's sphere exact mechanism of origin. Currently around the world embarked on forming earth rocks , the moon brought materials and meteorites studied, as well as other planets through the study of space vehicles.
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